Classroom Policies

1.     Be on time to class. Arriving after the tardy bell is an unexcused tardy (unless provided with an acceptable note). The 4th tardy in a semester results in an after school detention. The 5th tardy and beyond is a referral.

2.     Bring all necessary materials to class. Textbook, pencil(s), spiral notebook, calculator, and a folder with loose-leaf paper. Any work turned into the teacher must be done in pencil. Notes may be done in pen if so desired.

3.     Take lesson notes in your spiral notebook. It is required to take notes in class in the spiral notebook, which will be turned in at the end of EACH QUARTER for a TEST grade.

4.     Raise your hand to answer or ask a question. While the teacher is talking, students are to remain quiet. In order to not cause confusion or disruption, please raise a hand to answer/ask a question or make a statement. If another student is talking, please respect him/her in the same manner…. No profanity in the classroom. Use appropriate language.

5.     Classwork/Homework is assigned after every lesson. Unless otherwise stated, work is due at the end of the class period (CW) or the next day in class (HW). All work must be shown and done in pencil. Partial credit is awarded for complete work. CW and HW are usually graded for completion, with an occasional assignment being graded for accuracy. Students will be notified if this occurs. A letter grade is taken off for each day a work assignment is late.

6.     A quiz is given after a few lessons, and a test is given at the end of a chapter. Students will be told at least a day in advance about a quiz, while test notifications will occur at least three days in advance. All work must be shown on both and be completed in pencil.

7.     Cheating on any type of assignment results in a zero and possible referral. One warning may be given depending on the severity of the situation. However, a referral is possible in any cheating situation.

8.     All work is written on the board. Each day’s lesson and work will be written on the board. If a student misses class, the missing work can be found on the board, from another student, or requested by email.

9.     Help Class is on Wednesdays from 2:10-3:00pm. During this time, students can receive additional help on homework, make-up work, or test preparation. A student can make an appointment with the teacher for a Monday, Thursday, or Friday after school if needed.

10.  No food is allowed in class. The ONLY drink allowed in class is water. Food or any other type of beverage must be thrown away or consumed before coming into the classroom.

11.  Cell phones, mp3 players, and other electronic devices are prohibited. Per District policy, no cell phones and other electronic devices (such as iPods) are to be used in the classroom. A student will receive a warning or two, but will be given a referral if he/she fails to follow the policy. During any testing situation, a student will receive an automatic referral for cell phone/electronics use.

12.  No headcoverings are to be worn in the classroom.  Repeated offense results in a referral.